wahaha cover -无字
Photo Credit: Wang Siqi; design elements from VCG

The Beverage Company That Made China’s Richest Man

Chinese billionaire Zong Qinghou’s death has led to a surge of nostalgia for Wahaha, the brand he founded in 1988

Zong Qinghou, China’s late beverage magnate, had spent the last decade trying to revive the fortunes of his firm Wahaha. He probably did not expect that his death would boost sales more than any marketing campaign.

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author Tan Yunfei (谭云飞)

Tan Yunfei is the editorial director of The World of Chinese. She reports on Chinese language, food, traditions, and society. Having grown up in a rural community and mainly lived in the cities since college, she tries to explore and better understand China's evolving rural and urban life with all readers.

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