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Going with the Cash Flow

Wealth management is becoming gamified among young Chinese

“The biggest change I made in 2020 was that I learned to manage my finances!” Yang Shuhua, a motormouthed video blogger in her 20s, chirps on streaming platform Bilibili, where she has nearly 500,000 fans.

Using quick cuts, gifs, and kitschy sound effects, Yang’s video details how she chose four mutual fund accounts and three stock trading platforms. It’s a big departure from her usual fare of skincare tips and hairstyle reviews, but a successful choice: Yang’s video about finance is one of the hottest on her channel, with over 460,000 views at the time of writing.

While China’s young urbanites used to chase celebrities, now they are chasing premium savings advice. That includes the best returns on their money, the most trustworthy fund managers, and the best video consultants offering investment tips and recommendations.

Unlike their parents’ generation, which favored real estate and directly purchasing stocks, this new generation of investors are obsessed with mutual funds (funds managed by professionals who place investors’ money into stocks for them). Investing has become a source of entertainment, with many young Chinese considering it a social activity or hobby.

Choosing funds or stocks is part of the fun, as is the adrenaline rush of seeing their value rise or fall. “I don’t like to have my account set to invest money at a fixed time, because it’s not very interesting that way,” says Huang Xinjie (pseudonym), an office worker in Guangzhou in his 20s.

These young investors are driving a new boom in mutual funds in China. Last year, the value of funds increased by 37 percent, while over half of new investors in mutual funds were under the age of 30 according to the China Household Financial Management Trend Report, a joint publication by state broadcaster CCTV and mobile payment app Alipay.

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Going with the Cash Flow is a story from our issue, “Dawn of the Debt.” To read the entire issue, become a subscriber and receive the full magazine.


author Sam Davies

Sam Davies is the managing editor at The World of Chinese. He writes mainly about Chinese society, especially life outside the biggest cities. His pieces touching on diverse topics from the future of China’s ski industry to efforts to prevent juvenile crime.

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