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Pigs and Party Games: Celebrating Lunar New Year, Dongbei Style
Folk customs and culture of Northeast China during the Lunar New Year

How New China’s Movie Industry Began in the Northeast
Changchun Film Studio went from puppet-state propaganda to the beating heart of Chinese film

Bones of Industry: Discover Shenyang’s Favorite Street Snack
A simple Dongbei dish symbolizes the rise, fall, and reinvention of a once-flourishing industrial heartland

Rustbelt Renaissance: China’s Post-Industrial Northeast Rises Again in Film
Why is China’s Northeast such a fertile setting for film, music, and literature?

Where Empires Meet: Lüshun’s Complex Colonial Legacies
Lüshun’s history of colonial entanglement attracts visitors looking for stunning photo backdrops, but its story is difficult to tell

“Fire Spoon”: A Lesser-Known Dongbei Treat
These bite-sized beef pastries come with a heroic origin story

The Bathing Cultures Dividing North and South China
Northern bathhouses are famous for their vigorous scrubbing, while gentle massages in the South lull bathers to sleep

Anxiety and Opportunism on the Russia-China Border | Book Review
Franck Billé and Caroline Humphrey’s “On the Edge” portrays how China’s rise reshaped the reality of the people living just across the river

The Japanese Temple Left to Rot in Northeast China
In Changchun, Jilin province, a cultural relic remains in disrepair despite decades of attempts at restoration