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The Female-Perspective Films Enriching Chinese Cinema
Discover five recent female-centered films and the women directors behind them

The Rise of Female Perspectives in China’s Movie Industry
The female pioneers of China’s film industry and how they’re continuing to bring important, fresh perspectives to the big screen

Her Havens: The Struggle Over Female-Only Spaces
Female-only spaces are proliferating, but not everybody is happy about it

2023: A Year in Feminist News
Eight noteworthy stories from a tumultuous year for gender-based news and developments in China

“Girls Should be Brave”: A Feminist’s Bumpy Journey in a Chinese Small Town
While reconciling with her own trauma, 32-year-old An Chi hopes to bring feminist ideologies to her small hometown

Mixing Equality: Why is it So Hard for Women to be Bartenders in China?
Female bartenders in China share the reality of navigating their male-dominated profession

The Tortuous History of Modern Chinese Feminism
A brief history of modern Chinese feminism: From anti-foot-binding marches, to the viral sexual harassment cases, and the struggle for reproductive rights

Five Must-Read Works By Chinese Female Writers
These exceptional works by female Chinese authors reflect on topics from the impact of rapid urbanization on Chinese women to the trauma of sexual abuse victims

2022: A Major Year for Feminist Issues in China
From outrage against gender-based violence to significant strides for women in sciences and sports, here are the important stories in the realm of gender and feminist news this year

How China Celebrated International Women’s Day Through the Ages
From strikes and marches to slogans and marketing campaigns, International Women’s Day celebrations in China have taken on many forms over the last century